The Christopher Tyson Adventures – Force Rifle

(Don’t know what the Christopher Tyson Adventures are? Click here before continuing, if you want to know more…)

I’ve been a bit lax in posting anything new, due to that old ‘normal work/life’ thing, but here’s a new snippet to whet your appetites. At one point, Christopher Tyson has to defend himself against an imminent threat with a Force Rifle. Below are the initial design sketches, and the final refined concept.


As usual, the initial concepts were done with pro-marker and fine liner pens, then, using the rough concept art as a guide, the painting was completed digitally.

The final design ended up being 80-90% from the bottom right concept, with the top portion from the top right concept. As the description goes in the book…

   “Quickly.” Dev took Christopher to a rack containing a number of large, cylindrical weapons. “Take one of these, if it doesn’t weigh too much.”
   Christopher pulled one from its mounting, and thought he was going to fall over. It weighed a ton. With difficulty, he managed to use the attached strap so that his shoulder took most of the weight. “This is the right way round, isn’t it?” He searched and found what appeared to be the two main handles, the rear of which seemed to have a conventional trigger.
   “Yes,” Dev nodded, his eyes darting to the doorway as the echoing steps approached. “Flip that panel on top. That’s right. Now slide that back and then forward again. Good, it should start charging now.”
   Christopher’s could just make out the lowest possible hum from the weapon, and he was sure he could feel a static charge. “What does it do?”
   Dev darted to the entrance, peeked around the corner, then tapped something on the interior control panel that killed the room’s lights. “It is a weapon normally used for non-violent crowd control.”
   “You mean like a riot gun?”
   “If that’s what I think you mean, then yes. It emits a concussive wave of energy through the air that will knock over almost anything not fastened to the ground.”
   “Cool.” Christopher hefted the weapon to get a better grip.

All work is the © copyright of W.D.Lee and/or the respective companies, individuals or organisations to which the work is related. No infringement is intentional. No reproduction or copying is permitted without express permission.

Author: Warren Lee

I'm a writer, artist, movie fan, book lover and occasional software developer...

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