The Christopher Tyson Adventures – Costume Design

Flight Suit Concept

It’s been a while since I had time to post, but I’ve finally got some time and thought I would show you some more concept art.

Costume Design
Costume Design

I don’t want to give away too much of the story, but this young lady has to fly a starship at one point, and needed a uniform. At this point we’re not talking rank insignia or anything like that, but she and her companions need something functional that can be worn aboard ship. I had a pretty good idea in my head, so I created the initial dark-brown leather style costume.

I realised, however, that it was a little too reminiscent of The Rocketeer (admittedly, something I had in the back of my mind when I wrote the original description in the book).

As you can see, I tried a few colour variations and settled on the aquamarine jacket, but keeping the tan trousers and leather boots. On the right hip is a holster for a comm. device rather than a weapon, and a general utility pouch on the left leg. The trousers are meant to imply that the under-suit is lined for temperature control, ready for use with spacesuits, or other circumstances with potentially extreme temperatures.

Starship Corridor with character
Starship Corridor with character

After finishing, I thought I would see what the character looked like in context, so inserted her into this corridor painting.

All work is the © copyright of W.D.Lee and/or the respective companies, individuals or organisations to which the work is related. No infringement is intentional. No reproduction or copying is permitted without express permission.

Author: Warren Lee

I'm a writer, artist, movie fan, book lover and occasional software developer...

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